Upload your file by clicking the upload box, or drag n' drop. You can hover over many things to see what they do, but the main interface is like so:
expand_lessexpand_more Show/hide a file. Useful for managing multiple files.
Hover over the Legatus and click close to close. You can also click
in the sidebar as well.
menu Open a context menu, containing actions you may find useful!
download Download a file to your device.
open_in_new Open the file in a new editor tab, if applicable.
file_upload Replace the file. A
will appear next to the file, indicating its replacement.
close Remove a file from the package. Irreversable!
OPEN ALL Opens (open_in_new) every file it can in the menu. Careful! Loading every file in a PKZ or DAT/DTT may cause your tab to crash.
JS Libraries used: JQuery, Google's Material Icons, ZIPJS, FileSaver.js, zstddec, zstd-codec, model-viewer, float16
Special thanks to the NieR modding community and r/AstralChain, especially Kerilk
ASTRAL CHAIN and its files are property of Platinum Games and Nintendo
Astral Extractor created by Cabalex - Try my other modding tools! AstralChain2Blender - Blender2AstralChain - RomFS Documentation - PKZ Repacker